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Australia · QLD
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Indigenous · Monuments
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Memorial to the Kalkadoon & Mitakoodi Massacre<br>Near Mt. Isa<br>Western Queensland, Australia: Queensland, Australia
: Indigenous Peoples; Monuments.
The description in the brochure for this side of the memorial reads:
On the eastern side as you face Mount Isa are depicted a spear and a boomerang both broken, an etching in brass of the head of a Kalkadoon warrior and a central plaque...
Note that the spear is missing altogether and the broken boomerang has been quite clumsily repainted over vandal's paint which, if you look closely, forms the letters 'KKK'. You'll get a closer look at the other damage to the brass etching in the next series image.
Memorial to the Kalkadoon & Mitakoodi Massacre
Near Mt. Isa
Western Queensland, Australia
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  Location Galleries
Australia · QLD
Subject Galleries
Indigenous · Monuments
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