February 03, 2004
Some good reasons for using phpBB as your Movable Type comment engine.
Posted at 11:08 PM | Notebook, Reviews |
- I already had phpBB installed and running on my site.
- phpBB provides all the anti-spam protection MTBlacklist does, and more.
- One user registration for blogs and forums.
- Registered users gain additional functionality.
- phpBB provides email notification when new comments are posted to a topic (How can I do that?)
- I've modified phpBB so registered users can be notified whenever a new message is posted on one of my blogs. (How can I do that?)
- phpBB provides user profiles for registered users who can set their own level of security--send messages privately between members while keeping your email address secure.
Excerpt: Some good reasons for using phpBB as your Movable Type comment engine....
Weblog: Sideblog
Tracked: May 13, 2004 12:19 PM 19
phpBB Fetch All
Excerpt: I stumbled on phpBB Fetch All, which is a plugin/mod for phpBB. It lets one pull data from the phpBB database for display on any webpage. Here's an example of the simple portal page that pulls data from the Cabbages...
Weblog: Mama Write
Tracked: May 13, 2004 12:20 PM