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Katrin · Monuments
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Memorial to the Kalkadoon & Mitakoodi Massacre<br>Between Mt. Isa and Cloncurry<br>Queensland, Australia: Queensland, Australia
: Katrin; Monuments.
Katrin stands before a monument erected in memorium to the massacre of the Kalkadoon and the Mitakoodi. Here we found brochure (which Katrin is reading in the photograh) describing the monument and pontificating on the Aboriginal condition generally. It cheesed me off so bad, it wasn't until reaching Darwin, about 1000 km later that I became calm enough to comment on it in the Travelogue. In fact, the brochure upset me more than the "KKK" in white spray paint desecrating this side of the monument.
Memorial to the Kalkadoon & Mitakoodi Massacre
Between Mt. Isa and Cloncurry
Queensland, Australia
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Australia · QLD
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Katrin · Monuments
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