January 04, 2004

request for reprint

Posted at 06:03 PM Feedback
From: Black Bear Publications
To: "eJournal Feedback"
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 3:11 PM
Subject: request for reprint

Patrick Jennings,

I edit a small literary magazine of social concern in the USA. May I have persmission to use this quote in my next issue. Thank you for your consideration.

the best and peace,

Ave Jeanne

ave jeanne, editor
Black Bear Publications, USA

"Months later, we still talk as if this is a new world, a new battle, a new war, new enemies. But it is not. The conflict is ageless. All that has changed is the destructiveness of our weapons, and the vulnerability of the innocent.

But there are the beginnings of change. We are a little more discerning in our labelling of enemies so that entire races and cultures are not targets of retaliation.

We talk of the enemy's cowardice, for attacking and killing innocents. Yet we drop bombs from the deep blue sky which 'inadvertently' fall on the innocent. We say that in war some civilian casualties are inevitable, and in the same breath say that not one life of an infantryman should be put at risk while there are yet more bombs to drop.

There remains a long way to go "

The snippet above originally appeared as a preamble on the Critical Texts page soon after I created it in the aftermath of 9-11. Black Bear Review published it in a slightly altered form in Issue #34 Spring/Summer 2002.

Presently listening to:
One Of These Days - Pink Floyd - Meddle (05:56)

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