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United States of America

Arguably the greatest nation on Earth; certainly the most dangerous. Still, it's a beautiful place filled with wonderful people and the world's most unique culture.
The Apache Motel :: Tucumcari, New Mexico The Palomino Motel :: Tucumcari, New Mexico Route 66 Museum :: Clinton, Oklahoma Clinton, Oklahoma Clinton, Oklahoma Route 66 Museum :: Clinton, Oklahoma Route 66 Museum :: Clinton, Oklahoma Corvette Summer Pop Hick's and a Corvette :: Clinton, Oklahoma Pop Hick's and a Corvair :: Clinton, Oklahoma Route 66 Museum :: Clinton, Oklahoma Clinton, Oklahoma El Reno eatery :: El Reno, Oklahoma Coke adds life :: El Reno, Oklahoma Erick, Oklahoma :: Intersection of Route 66 & Main Street. McDee's :: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma McDee's :: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma The Trail of Tears :: Cowboy Hall of Fame :: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma The Trail of Tears :: Cowboy Hall of Fame :: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Classic Cop Car :: Ann's Chicken Fry House :: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
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The Grey Matter Media Gallery prints some images from this gallery as framed & unframed prints, posters, calendars, greeting cards & postcards, t-shirts & other apparel, and more novelties & gifts
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